Download PDF - Mobile Website User Guide
Below are the prerequisites to access Easy-Commission Mobile website
1. A valid Easy-Commission account created at
2. You should be either an active Administrator or active Sales Rep on that account.
3. A Mobile or Tablet device with internet access.
Access Easy-Commission website from your Mobile Phone or Tablet by pointing your web browser to
Step 1: Open your web browser
Step 2: Provide in the address bar and navigate.
Please note that if you access from you Mobile phone or Tablet device, the website will automatically redirect you to our mobile website.
Step 1: Provide User Id
Step 2: Provide Password
Step 3: Tap Login
Once logged in, the following features will be accessible.
You can view your current and prior period statements using this feature.
Administrator View
Administrators will be able to select a sales rep and see their statement, by selecting a period and year as per your calendar frequency.
Sales Reps can directly see their Statement, after selecting the period and year.
A typical display of Statement will be as shown below. Sales Reps can drill down to the incentive level and see the transaction details that generated the statements.
Tapping on the transaction Id will give a detailed view of the transaction.
The search user interface is as shown below.
Step: Provide Search text and tap “Search”. The search text can be Transaction Id, Product or Customer Name.
Step: Tap on the Transaction ID, to see more details.
Various Performance dashboards are available under performance tab. A sample screenshot is shown below.
Step: Tap any of the desired perfomance title to view the dashboard.
Below is the actions page, where the user can contact Easy-Commission Support OR the compensation administrator. These actions are available as per the role of the currently logged in user.
More actions will be available in the future.
For an Administrator, the contact page will look like this.
Step: Tap Logout to logout from the Easy-Commission Mobile Website.
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